Pressure Cooker

From savory soups, flavorful curry to sweet desserts, we’ve gathered our best slowcooker and pressure cooker recipes to make your weeknight dinner way easier!


Spaghetti Bolognese on a white plate next to the Instant Pot.
Black ceramic bowls containing Japanese Mixed Rice (Takikomi Gohan).

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan (Video) 炊き込みご飯(圧力鍋)

Instant Pot Takikomi Gohan is traditional Japanese mixed rice with chicken and vegetables that‘s...
Silky and savory Japanese steamed egg custard Chawanmushi in a cup.

Instant Pot Chawanmushi (Video) 茶碗蒸し (圧力鍋)

Steamed in a dashi-based sauce, this Instant Pot Chawanmushi is a savory Japanese egg...
A gray bowl containing Japanese Cream Stew (White Stew) with chicken and vegetables in a savory thick white sauce.

Instant Pot Cream Stew クリームシチュー (圧力鍋)

Hearty and delicious, this Instant Pot Cream Stew is a popular Japanese yoshoku dish...
Perfectly cooked rice served in a rice bowl along with miso soup.

How to Make Japanese Rice in an Instant Pot

Here's an easy, fail-proof method to cook perfectly plump and shiny Japanese steamed rice...
A grey dish containing Japanese beef tendon stew.

Japanese Beef Tendon Stew (Gyusuji Nikomi) 牛筋煮込み

Pressure cooked in savory seasonings, this Japanese Beef Tendon Stew (Gyusuji Nikomi) is incredibly...
Silky soft and creamy Instant Pot Kabocha Flan on a white plate.

Instant Pot Kabocha Flan かぼちゃプリン

Pressure Cooked in Instant Pot, this Kabocha Flan with caramel sauce has a silky...
A white bowl containing sapporo soup curry.

Sapporo Soup Curry 札幌スープカレー

Originated in Sapporo, Hokkaido, a northernmost island of Japan, Soup Curry is a light curry flavored soup served...
Piping hot oxtail broth in a Japanese bowl topped with green onions.

Pressure Cooker Oxtail Broth 牛テールスープ (圧力鍋)

Pressure Cooker Oxtail Broth is richly flavored and packed with nutrients - a perfect...
A dark plate containing sliced steamed pork topped with garlic soy sauce and garnished with cilantro.

Pressure Cooker Steamed Pork with Garlic Soy Sauce and Ginger Miso Sauce 蒸し豚 (圧力鍋)

Enjoy this tender, juicy Pressure Cooker Steamed Pork with a savory garlic soy sauce...
White bowl containing flavorful oxtail soup served with rustic bread.

Pressure Cooker Oxtail Soup

Using a pressure cooker, you can prepare this hearty and flavorful tomato-based Oxtail Soup...
Just One Cookbook Essential Japanese Recipes vol-2

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